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Welcome my fellow Pythians, and Guests, this evening, August 22, 2024.  It is for the Installation of my team, for my Reign, 2024-2025, as Grand Chancellor of the State of New York. Thank You, for coming, this evening.




This means, fellow Pythians, and New Members, need to be Motivated to Participate, in Positions, either on Committees, or moving up the Ranks. What I have seen is there are Members who have no initiative to participate, because they won't be Nominated,  Elected, or, Appointed to a Position. If established Pythians, Stand Up, Step Aside, and Volunteer to Mentor, we will hopefully, get New Blood, and Ideas, when they hold these positions. I want you to Understand, when I say, Step Aside, that by No Means, do I want you, Not to still, continue to be Involved. 


When I joined, Genesis Lodge, I had no Intentions, of getting Involved. Then, you could say, I was Seduced, and made to feel, Excited, to go up the Ranks, and be on Committees. I was Mentored my Fellow Pythians, in Genesis Lodge, that had Tenure. Martha would say, " you were Bitten" and the rest is history.


The Knights Of Pythias, Organization, have come a long way, since I first joined. What was only a Men's Organization, since Inception, Centuries ago, now has Elected, by, Supreme Lodge, Knights Of Pythias, to have Women, Join the Order. I know, this has been A Hard Pill for some of you to Swallow. Nevertheless, Women, are here to Stay. I ask, that you, Open your Minds, to this New Development. Understand, they are coming in as, The Minority. It's hard for them, to adjust, to what Virtually, has been, up until recently, a Man's World, in the Knights of Pythias, Organization. We need to Show Support, and Welcome Them!! If that means, there are Opportunities, to Jump them, up the Ranks, So, Let’s Make It Happen. The Women will bring, Ideas, Excitement, and New Members. I Feel Proud, to be The First, Grand Chancellor, Of The State Of New York, to Appoint, The First Women Deputy Grand Chancellor, Susan Grill, to My Team. My Successors Need To Continue, To Do This.


I Plan on Devising, a Grand Lodge Membership Incentive Program. There will be a Decisive Plan, Coming to you Shortly. Erwin Grill, PDSC, had such a Program, during his Reign. I Won the Gift Card, that Year. Also, I would like the individual Lodges, to Run their own Program. Genesis Lodge, had a Program, where the Following Year, your Membership Fee, was Waived. I was the recipient of that Program, and my Membership Fee was Waived, the Following Year. I am Open to Hearing, Any, and, All Ideas, from You. Please, Do Not Hesitate, to Contact Me. This brings Me, to Ask, That at Least One (1), Member, from Every Lodge, in The Domain Of New York, Attend a Membership Meeting, in Person, or Via Zoom, (ONLY IF YOU ARE  INCOMPASITATED, OR LIVE TO FAR AWAY FROM GRAND LODGE, Will I Accept This). Bring Ideas, from Your Lodges, and Bring Back Ideas, to the Lodges, from the Meeting.


The Humanitarian Fund Committee, is not being Supported by The Lodges, as Well, as it Should Be.


I am Asking all The Lodges, to Donate, and Buy, a Gold, or Silver Page, in The Journal, this Year. Also, Individuals, who Receive Free Tickets, Should be Expected, to Buy Raffle Tickets. May I Suggest, at Least, $25.00, in Raffle Tickets, for an Individual, and, at Least, $45.00, a Couple. Remember, to let them know, there are Restaurant Tickets, and Birthday, and Anniversary Dates, being sold, also.


Which Brings Me to, The Diabetes Committee. We Need More People, Selling Lucky Number (#), Tickets.

And: The Pythian Camp Committee, 

         The Special Olympics Committee, (More Volunteers Are Needed)

         American Cancer Society Committee, (More Volunteers For, Relay For Life)

The Fund-Raising Committee, ( New: Added This Year). Martha Lewis, and Stuart Teicher, are the Only Ones, Doing Shaker Can, For The Veterans, and Diabetes.  Martha is Adding Breast Cancer, this Year, Which Is My Charity. Please Support Her. There Needs to Be More Volunteers, to Help Them. 


Please Contact Martha Lewis, She Is Interested, In Any, and, All Ideas, Regarding, Fund Raising.


Remember The Pythian Slogan:

"We Help People", (We Need Every Pythian's Support).

Let's Work Together In Unity. 

"Aim For , No Anger, or Dissension", Among Us.

When You Walk Into Your Lodges, to A Meeting, No Matter How You Feel, about Your Fellow Pythian, Please, Say Hello, Ask How They Are, Shake, His, Or Her Hand,  and Sit Down for Your Meeting. Hopefully, This Will Bring Respect, and Camaraderie.



Remember  Support:

                       Bringing Women into The Order  

                       Your Lodges

                        Recruiting New Members

                        Pythian Committees

                        Our Troops, and/or Veterans






Errol Lewis

Grand Chancellor

Domain of New York